My question to this type of logic is that it igrones that there really is a terrorist threat from Islamists who really want to kill us. Yes, I understand that giving a policemen a gun is to run risk a chance he might shoot me. But what if he shoots someone trying to steal my dog or rape my sister? Or shoots some goblin perp trying to kill me? I understand the need to defend real actual rights. But I get bothered by "libertarians" who defend the "right" to use public libraries and have their Internet records held private, even though the computers they use are funded by tax dollars. What scares me is all of these anti-war libertarians who are siding up with ACLU-Democrats, the same communist jackboots who would steal your REAL rights to own a firearm, free speech, etc. And why are these "libertarians" making this "united front" with communists? Because they feel (illogically) that they have a "right" to use tax-funded libraries in "private"... and also a holy mission to stop a war which overthrows actual dictators. BE SCARED and not just about the naivete of Dittoheads.