Wir trauern um

Gisela Tremetzberger

* 04.04.2014

Ort: Mauthausen

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Kondolenzbuch Einträge:

Gisela Tremetzberger


† 04.04.2014


I haven't really tughoht about it but say I only have one month to live (knock on wood, I'd love to meet with some old friends that I had issues with and tell them I forgive them, likewise ask for their forgiveness. I would also eat whatever I want, the way a man on a death row would. I'd go some place that I'd always wanted to go to and take lots and lots of pictures. I will tell my love ones I love them. I will give away my stuff so that they can be of use to other people. I will also fix whatever problem I have that may affect my loved ones, this is so they wouldn't have to worry after I'm gone.And I will tell this person something that I have always wanted to say but couldn't.

Geschrieben am 19.07.2015 um 20:01